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89th Legislative Bills
Category 1 -  Student Discipline

Bill number, Author/s - Description
House Bills
HB 295 Shaheen - Relating to including antisemitism in the definition of bullying for the purpose of school discipline policies.
HB 340 Shaheen - Relating to a provision in a school district's student code of conduct prohibiting the wearing of clothing or displaying of items indicating membership in or support of certain organizations.
HB 474 Morales, Christina - Relating to a policy adopted by a school district regarding the wearing of attire and regalia at certain public school events.
HB 687  Goodwin - Relating to the establishment of a bullying prevention pilot program for public schools.
HB 942 Toth - Relating to a public school classroom safety review and referral program for students who engage in violent criminal conduct; creating a criminal offense.
HB 1081 Curry - Relating to the placement by a school district of a student who engages in a course of conduct that demonstrates habitually violent, harmful, or destructive behavior.
HB 1096 Goodwin - Relating to the use of corporal punishment and to the reporting of certain information regarding the use of disciplinary measures or restraint by public schools.
HB 1141 Shaheen - Relating to the suspension of certain public school students and to the repeal of the positive behavior program for public schools.
HB 1253 Zwiener - Relating to the instruction on bullying and harassment included in the required health curriculum for public school students.
HB 1405 Allen - Relating to the use of personal leave during school holidays by certain school district employees.
HB 1415 AllenRelating to corporal punishment in public schools.
HB 1446 GoodwinRelating to a study by the Texas Education Agency on the effects of school district policies prohibiting student use of personal communication devices.
HB 1457 Tepper - Relating to the inclusion of a course on modern conflicts in the curriculum requirements for public high school students.
HB 1481 Fairly - Relating to the use of personal wireless communication devices by students during instructional time.
HB 1551 Hickland - Relating to the notification of parents of students enrolled in public school regarding certain alleged criminal conduct by an employee.
HB 2004 Toth - Relating to a school district professional employees, liability for certain criminal conduct against a student.
HB 2044 Goodwin - Relating to certain offenses and conduct subject to expulsion that are associated with possessing, carrying, exhibiting, or using a firearm on or within 1,000 of school property.
HB 2236 Dutton - Relating to the inclusion of chronically absent students as at risk of dropping out of school and the collection and reporting of data regarding those students. 
HB 2391 Capriglione - Relating to the procedure for determining whether a student's violation of a public school's or public institution of higher education's student code of conduct was motivated by antisemitism. 

Senate Bills

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SB 326 KingRelating to the procedure for determining whether a student's violation of a public school's or public institution of higher education's student code of conduct was motivated by antisemitism.
SB 544 MenéndezRelating to required individualized education program supplements for certain public school students placed in alternative special education settings.
SB 570 Betterncourt | et al. - Relating to an attendance policy adopted by public schools to prevent truancy.
SB 645 Zaffirini - Relating to including antisemitism in the definition of bullying for the purpose of school discipline policies.
SB 747 King - Relating to public school policies and programs regarding the production or distribution of certain intimate visual material by public school students. 
SB 806 Hughes - Relating to enrolling a public school student in a virtual education program as an alternative to expulsion.