2024-2025 Application Deadline: September 15, 2024
(Due to the delay with the rubric, the deadline has been extended)

TASSP in collaboration with 
The National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform

The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform recognize that effective middle schools differ significantly from elementary and secondary schools in curriculum and instruction, preparation of teachers and administrators, and organization of time and space. In this era of educational reform and rising expectations, this program seeks to identify high-performing, high-impact middle schools to serve as comprehensive models from which other schools can learn and be inspired. This independent program is long-term, continuous, and is conducted by practicing middle grades professionals who understand the middle school concept. The criteria used to evaluate and select schools have been developed by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform and are uniform throughout all states participating in the program. Schools selected will be highlighted in publications and programs at both the state and national levels. Applicant schools are encouraged to contact and/or visit current Texas Schools to Watch prior to applying for the program.

What is a Texas School to Watch?

A Texas School to Watch is a school that consistently has moved to meet fully the nationally endorsed criteria for high-performing middle schools; one that has made marked progress in meeting all of these criteria, including measurable gains in the academic achievement of all students over time, and is committed to continuous improvement. These schools will serve as models and mentors for other schools seeking to improve.

     Texas Schools to Watch Program

Applications for 2024-25 must be postmarked no later than Sept. 15, 2024. Contact Leti Menchaca with questions: 512-443-2100 ext 8506

Submission of Applications: One electronic copy should be e-mailed to [email protected] and if you choose to, you can mail an additional copy to:

Texas Schools to Watch
National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform
PO Box 224
Savoy, IL 61874

Schools to Watch - Texas:

When a school fills out the form, they will need to save a copy. This will allow them to save their own application as their own and make changes as needed prior to submitting it.

National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades: www.middlegradesforum.org



The Schools to Watch® program, offered by the National Forum, seeks to identify and honor schools with middle-level grades (enrolling any combination of young adolescents aged 10-15)  that are academically excellent, developmentally responsive, socially equitable, organized and  structured for continuous improvement, and exemplars of the Schools to Watch criteria. 

While many schools meet the minimum eligibility criteria, not all schools that apply will be selected for visitation and/or designation. However, all applicants are invited to network with STW schools, with the goal of one day being named a model school.

Schools that are designated as Schools to Watch participate fully in the Schools to Watch network. They attend the National Schools to Watch Conference in the summer, tour other STWs, and host visiting educators who want to see their programs in action (it is expected that Schools to Watch will serve as models and mentors). There is a tremendous energy around the program.

We believe that all young adolescent students deserve middle-grade schools and programs that are academically excellent, developmentally appropriate, socially equitable, and organized to sustain continuous improvement. Thank you for applying to the program.