89th Legislative Bills Category 2 - School Safety/Mental Health/Physical Health
Bill number, Author/s - Description
House BillsHB 161 Howard - Relating to excused absences from public school for students with a menstrual disorder. HB 196 Vasut - Relating to the inclusion of instruction regarding the beginning of human life in the health curriculum for public school students. HB 222 Talarico - Relating to the permissible uses of the school safety allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 344 Tepper - Relating to a prohibition on instruction and certain activities regarding sexual orientation or gender identity provided or allowed by a public school. HB 350 Talarico - Relating to the use of glucagon medication on certain public and private school campuses. HB 367 Rosenthal - Relating to verification of excused absences from public school for students with severe or life-threatening illnesses. HB 462 Guillen - Relating to the armed security officers required to be present at public schools and the permissible uses of the school safety allotment and the creation of a mental health allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 497 Patterson - Relating to requiring parental consent for behavioral or mental health treatment by school district personnel. HB 508 Morales - Christina Relating to nurses employed by public schools. HB 528 Goodwin - Relating to requiring public schools to provide to certain parents notice regarding certain incidents and risks related to the parent's child and suicide prevention materials. HB 549 Vasut - Relating to the availability and use of airway clearance devices at public school campuses. HB 550 Flores - Relating to the provision of menstrual products at public schools. HB 603 Tepper - Relating to the operation of school buses at certain railroad grade crossings. HB 625 Lalani - Relating to a halal food option for breakfast and lunch programs provided by public schools. HB 637 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the regulation of bleeding control stations in public schools. HB 692 Jones, Jolanda - Relating to a notification requirement if a public school, including an open-enrollment charter school, does not have a nurse assigned to the school during all instructional hours. HB 758 Shaheen - Relating to the requirement that an armed security officer be present at a school district campus. HB 785 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the adoption of a healthy and safe school water plan by public schools. HB 850 Lalani - Relating to the availability of automatic external defibrillators and a cardiac emergency response plan at public schools and certain private schools in this state. HB 856 Lalani - Relating to a policy regarding the maintenance, administration, and disposal of medication for respiratory distress by public and private schools. HB 887 Howard - Relating to endometriosis and menstrual disorders education and informational materials for public school students. HB 976 Toth - Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting certain instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity; authorizing a civil penalty. HB 1010 Toth - Relating to measures for ensuring safety and security in public schools, including measures related to certain student records and conduct. HB 1011 Johnson - Relating to required screenings for pediatric feeding disorder for students with certain disabilities and to the individualized education programs for certain public school students with pediatric feeding disorder. HB 1064 Dorazio - Relating to the provision of private security services at a public primary or secondary school; requiring an occupational license. HB 1082 Curry - Relating to claiming an exemption from required immunizations for school enrollment. HB 1085 Shaheen - Relating to the offering of a lifetime recreation and outdoor pursuits course to satisfy the physical education curriculum requirements for public high school students. HB 1115 VanDeaver - Relating to the employment of honorably retired peace officers as school district security personnel and the applicability to those officers of certain law governing private security. HB 1123 Lopez, Janie - Relating to interscholastic athletic competition based on biological sex, requirements for physical examinations and genetic testing in interscholastic athletics, and the adoption of rules by the University Interscholastic League to implement these requirements. HB 1158 Hull - Relating to parental approval for a student's participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools. HB 1202 Manuel - Relating to training requirements for public school teachers under the school's multihazard emergency operations plan. HB 1272 González, Mary - Relating to healthy relationships education in public schools. HB 1273 González, Mary - Relating to human sexuality education in public schools. HB 1279 Schoolcraft - Relating to prohibiting teaching in Texas public elementary and secondary schools of hateful, divisive and discriminatory practices and beliefs that could lead to discriminatory treatment of individuals because of such individual's race, color, ethnicity, sex, national origin or religion and the establishment of remedies and penalties for discriminatory treatment. HB 1290 Harris Davila - Relating to prohibiting certain food additives from being included in free or reduced-price meals provided by school districts. HB 1316 Hull - Relating to the membership of a public school's threat assessment and safe supportive school team when conducting threat assessments of certain students. HB 1325 Vasut - Relating to transfer of students who are children of certain judges, prosecuting attorneys, and servicemembers. HB 1332 Garcia, Josey - Relating to school district policies on dating violence. HB 1340 Curry - Relating to certain federal law enforcement agents serving as armed security officers at public schools and the authority of the chief of school safety and security for the Texas Education Agency to carry a weapon on public school grounds. HB 1368 Jones, Venton - Relating to a notification requirement if a public school does not have a nurse, school counselor, or librarian assigned to the school during all instructional hours. HB 1441 Plesa - Relating to the model training curriculum for school district peace officers and school resource officers. HB 1458 Metcalf - Relating to the armed security officers required to be present at public schools. HB 1484 Leo Wilson - Relating to the protection of students from sexual grooming. HB 1586 Hull - Relating to an exemption from required immunizations for school enrollment.
HB 1619 Johnson - Relating to crossing arms on buses that transport schoolchildren.
HB 1628 Noble - Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. HB 1637 Hull - Relating to the prohibition of glyphosate herbicide and certain food additives at primary and secondary schools. HB 1684 H Filed - Relating to safety standards for private passenger van services that transport students to and from public primary and secondary schools. HB 1704 Schatzline - Relating to parent's right to be notified by a school district concerning acts of self-harm by the parent's child. HB 1706 Garcia, Josey - Relating to additional requirements for individualized education programs developed for children with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders. HB 1727 Plesa - Relating to the social workers employed by school districts HB 1728 Plesa - Relating to creating a mental health allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 1807 Goodwin - Relating to the self-administration of prescription anti-seizure medicine by a student a a public school. HB 1816 Lujan - Relating to county and municipal authority to prohibit the operation of e-cigarette retailers near public primary or secondary schools. HB 1911 Schatzline - Relating to instruction in human trafficking awareness in Public schools. HB 1963 Garcia Josey - Relating to policies and procedures for addressing dating violence in public schools. HB 1972 Oliverson - Relating to requiring coursework in nutrition at public medical schools. HB 1992 Bowers - Relating to the establishment of the behaviorally at-risk student grant program to provide social and cognitive skills training to certain public school students. HB 2049 Lopez, Janie - Relating to the dissemination of Type 1 Diabetes information by public schools. HB 2050 Lopez, Janie - Relating to the duties of a public school counselor. HB 2056 Howard - Relating to the designation of public school health officer and the school health and safety allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 2104 Plesa - Relating to the members of a school district's local school health advisory council HB 2129 Moody - Relating to school-based health services, including the administration of the school health and related services program and the provision and Medicaid reimbursement of certain services to certain public school students. HB 2157 Allen - Relating to the licensing of a psychologist as a licensed specialist in school psychology: Authorizing a fee. HB 2206 Bumgarner - Relating to the reporting of certain public school employee misconduct to local law enforcement. HB 2283 Allen - Relating to the use of an epinephrine delivery device by certain entities. HB 2314 Garcia Josey - Relating to an exception for certain school districts to the requirement that an armed security officer be present at a public school campus. HB 2342 Cain - Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex. HB 2377 Howard - Relating to funding for projects that improve the physical and mental health of public school students and enhance the safety of public schools in this state; authorizing a fee. HB 2378 Noble - Relating to funding for projects that improve the physical and mental health of public school students and enhance the safety of public schools in this state; authorizing a fee. HB2526 Davis, Aicha - Relating to school district grace period policies and the provision of meals to public school students with insufficient balances on prepaid meal cards or in meal accounts. HB 2546 Tepper - Relating to vehicles eligible for replacement under the clean school bus program HB 2565 Isaac - Relating to prohibiting certain additives from being included in food and drinks provided by school districts.
HJR 124 Howard - Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the state school health and safety fund to provide financial support for projects that improve the physical and mental health of public school students and enhance the safety of public schools in this state.
Senate Bills
SB 57 Zaffirini - Relating to provisions and plans by public schools to ensure the safety of individuals with disabilities or impairments during a mandatory school drill or a disaster or emergency situation. SB 87 Hall - Relating to parental approval for a student's participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools. SB 117 Hall - Relating to required immunizations for children and primary or secondary school students. SB 126 Hall - Relating to studies or surveys on children's sexual behavior conducted at or by a public primary or secondary school, a public institution of higher education, a prescription drug manufacturer, a research entity, or another person; creating criminal offenses; imposing civil penalties. SB 154 Menéndez - Relating to required screenings for pediatric feeding disorder for students with certain disabilities and to the individualized education programs for certain public school students with pediatric feeding disorder. SB 176 Menéndez - Relating to the provision of on-campus mental health services by a school district and reimbursement under Medicaid for certain services provided to eligible students. SB 185 Menéndez - Relating to the inclusion of instruction and information about mental health in the required curriculum for public high school students. SB 191 Menéndez - Relating to the adoption of a healthy and safe school water plan by public schools. SB 196 Menéndez - Relating to the development and use of instructional modules and training for public schools on the prevention of sexual abuse and sex trafficking. SB 198 Menéndez - Relating to additional requirements for individualized education programs developed for children with autism or other pervasive developmental disorders. SB 205 Paxton - Relating to fetal development instruction included as part of the public school health curriculum in certain grade levels. SB 207 Paxton, et al. - Relating to excused absences from public school for certain students to attend mental health care appointments. SB 260 Huffman - Relating to the school safety allotment under the Foundation School Program. SB 282 Miles, et al. - Relating to a notification requirement if a public school, including an open-enrollment charter school, does not have a nurse assigned to the school during all instructional hours. SB 314 Hughes - Relating to prohibiting certain food additives from being included in free or reduced-price meals provided by school districts. SB 349 Eckhardt, et al. - Relating to requiring public schools to make reasonable accommodations for lactating students. SB 367 Eckhardt - Relating to the implementation by public schools of certain communicable disease public health orders issued by a health authority. SB 400 Kolkhorst - Relating to requiring parental consent for psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by a school district employee. SB 464 Campbell - Relating to county and municipal authority to prohibit the operation of e-cigarette retailers near primary or secondary schools. SB 475 - Middleton - Relating to a public school classroom safety review and referral program for students who engage in violent criminal conduct; creating a criminal offense. SB 456 Menéndez - Relating to seat belts on buses that transport children. SB 611 Jinojosa, Juan"Chuy" - Relating to a statewide standing order prescribing epinephrine auto-injectors to public and private schools. SB 633 Eckhardt - Relating to certain offenses associated with possessing, carrying, exhibiting, or using a firearm on or within 1,000 feet of school property. SB 649 West - Relating to the permissible uses of the school safety allotment and the creation of a mental and behavioral health allotment under the Foundation School Program. SB 698 West - Relating to the creation of the office of Youth Health and Safety. SB 744 Campbell - Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on passing as school bus using images and video from a school bus infraction detection system. SB 775 Eckhardt - Relating to endometriosis and menstrual disorders education and informational materials for public school students. SB 784 king - Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. SB 805 Hughes - Relating to the establishment by regional education service centers of regional school district health coverage advisory committees. SB 810 Hughes - Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex. SB 811 Hughes - relating to health coverage for school district and open-enrollment charter school employees under inter local contacts. SB 826 Parker - Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle in a school crossing zone while intoxicated; increasing a criminal penalty. SB 865 Alvarado - Relating to instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators for school district, private school, and open-enrollment charter school employees and volunteers. SB 900 - Hughes Relating to the inclusion of a school safety domain for evaluating districts and campuses under the public school accountability system. SB 936 Hall - Relating to authorizing the Texas School Safety Center to conduct random safety and security audits of public schools: Authorizing a civil penalty. SB 939 West - Relating to the members of a school district's local school health advisory council SB 966 Kolkhorst