89th Legislative Bills Category 3 - School Administration
Bill number, Author/s - Description House Bills HB 210 Guillen - Relating to contracting with a school district by a vendor with whom a member of the board of trustees of the district or a related individual has certain business interests; creating a criminal offense. HB 284 Patterson - Relating to the establishment of an ombudsman for parents of children enrolled in public school. HB 371 Bumgarner - Relating to the admission to public schools of children unlawfully present in the United States and the eligibility of those children for the benefits of the available school fund and Foundation School Program. HB 380 Guillen - Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of improper relationship between educator and student. HB 515 Troxclair - Relating to public school policies regarding student use of personal electronic devices. HB 527 Morales, Christina - Relating to librarians employed by public schools. HB 538 Bernal - Relating to student access to certain academic records; authorizing a fee. HB 567 Bernal - Relating to school district grace period policies and the provision of meals to public school students with insufficient balances on prepaid meal cards or in meal accounts. HB 591 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the establishment of community-based learning centers to serve public school students. HB 596 Troxclair - Relating to the use of public resources by a public school officer or employee to engage in certain political activities. HB 599 Lopez, Ray - Relating to the provision of information regarding certain public assistance programs by public schools. HB 604 Patterson - Relating to the scheduling of the first day of school for students by school districts. HB 615 González, Mary - Relating to policies and procedures regarding a public school student who knowingly produced or distributed certain intimate videos or images depicting another student. HB 619 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the transfer for an athletic participation purpose of a student from the school district of the student's residence to another district. HB 629 Leo Wilson - Relating to advanced placement courses that may be offered by a school district. HB 641 González, Mary - Relating to digital citizenship instruction in public schools. HB 659 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to requiring cultural inclusion as part of the social studies curriculum for public schools. HB 717 Leach - Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty. HB 725 Shaheen - Relating to the permissible uses of the bilingual education allotment provided under the Foundation School Program. HB 753 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the offering of certain high school courses for which students may earn college credit. HB 775 Frank - Relating to the participation by non-enrolled students in University Interscholastic League-sponsored activities. HB 781 Bernal - Relating to certain public school instructional requirements and prohibitions and the incorporation of certain instructional activities as part of student coursework. HB 789 Swanson - Relating to requiring parental consent for psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by school district personnel. HB 804 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to creating abbreviated educator preparation programs for certification in marketing education and certification in health science technology education. HB 810 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the requirements for hearings and meetings conducted by the University Interscholastic League. HB 819 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the functions and duties of the University Interscholastic League. HB 824 Jones, Jolanda - Relating to the inclusion of civics instruction in public school government curriculum requirements for high school students. HB 830 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the administration of the University Interscholastic League. HB 832 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to procedures regarding hearings and meetings held by or involving the University Interscholastic League. HB 846 Lalani - Relating to a parental leave policy for certain school district classroom teachers. HB 906 Shaheen - Relating to a temporary teaching certificate for certain military service members and first responders. HB 973 Noble - Relating to prohibiting a court, administrative agency, or other tribunal from requiring certain amendments to a public school student's permanent record. HB 974 Bumgarner - Relating to a limitation on the salary of superintendents and chief executive officers of school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. HB 1009 Olcott - Relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools. HB 1014 Toth - Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school; authorizing a civil penalty, authorizing a private civil right of action. HB 1015 Toth - Relating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in a public school. HB 1016 Toth - Relating to a public school policy regarding multi-occupancy bathrooms or changing facilities. HB 1025 Shaheen - Relating to the appointment of an inspector general for education, the creation of a division of inspector general for education in the State Board of Education to investigate public education, and the authority of the commissioner of education to conduct special investigations. HB 1057 Bhojani - Relating to placement on the minimum salary schedule and service credit in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas for certain public school career or technology education teachers. HB 1079 Curry - Relating to the inclusion of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and Leadership Officer Training Corps programs as public school career and technology education programs and the indicator of achievement for military readiness under the public school accountability system. HB 1122 Lopez, Janie - Relating to the employment of certified school counselors by school districts. HB 1137 Leo Wilson - Relating to a handbook on parental rights in education and training requirements on parental rights in education for a member of the board of trustees of a school district. HB 1148 Shaheen - Relating to repealing the requirement for certain public school teachers and principals to attend a teacher literacy achievement academy. HB 1149 Morales - Shaw Relating to the scheduling of the first day of school for students by school districts. HB 1175 Hinojosa - Relating to the provision of a student transcript by an independent school district. HB 1178 Cunningham - Relating to the creation of a temporary educator certificate for educators certified by other states. HB 1185 Hinojosa - Relating to a landlord's notice to residential tenants regarding rent increases. HB 1209 Cunningham - Relating to the minimum number of instructional days provided by public schools. HB 1224 Shaheen - Relating to required instruction in the Success Sequence for students in public schools. HB 1229 Bucy - Relating to requiring fine arts as part of the foundation curriculum for public schools. HB 1257 Bryant - Relating to the compensation of public school educators, the public school finance system, public school prekindergarten and kindergarten programs, and the school health and related services program. HB 1258 Bell, Cecil - Relating to public school policies regarding student possession of personal communication devices; authorizing a fee. HB 1282 Raymond - Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on passing a school bus using images and video from a school bus infraction detection system. HB 1313 Hickland - Relating to the use by a school district or a school district employee of public funds for lobbying activities. HB 1348 Little - Relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools. HB 1390 - Zwiener - Relating to the requirement of a school district to notify a parent of curriculum or instructional material containing religion or religious values. HB 1401 Harris - Relating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of improper relationship between educator and student. HB 1411 Allen - Relating to the use of personal leave during school holidays by certain school district employees. HB 1425 Spiller - Relating to a period of prayer and reading of the Bible or other religious text in public schools. HB 1427 Schatzline - Relating to prohibiting the denial of public benefits for students enrolled in a private school operated by a religious organization or providing religious instruction. HB 1456 Patterson - Relating to the creation of the office of inspector general at the Texas Education Agency to investigate complaints by parents of children enrolled in public school. HB 1512 Hickland - Relating to reporting the number of children known or reasonably believed to not be citizens of the United States enrolled in a public school and to requesting reimbursement from the United States government for the cost of educating those children. HB 1573 Jones, Venton - Relating to a school district policy regarding custodian workloads. HB 1579 Guerra - Relating to establishing the Texas State Seal of Bilingualism and Biliteracy for public high school students HB 1581 Guerra - Relating to public school bilingual education programs, dual language immersion programs, and special language programs HB 1588 Leo Wilson - Relating to training requirements for certain public officials and candidates for public office. HB 1591 Metcalf - Relating to the scheduling of the first day of school for students by school districts. HB 1626 Raymond - Relating to the period for which an emergency educator certificate is valid. HB 1655 Schatzline - Relating to a policy prohibiting public school employees from assisting a student with social transitioning and to the loess of state funding for a violation by a public school HB 1658 Cunningham - Relating to access to public school library materials by non-enrolled students. HB 1679 Jones, Venton - Relating to a study by the Texas Education Agency regarding recommended standards for school district facility maintenance and custodial services. HB 1759 Lopez, Janie - Relating to the duties of a public school counselor. HB 1773 Bhojani - Relating to allowing the board of trustees of certain school districts to create a nonvoting student trustee position on the board. HB 1876 Tepper - Relating to the establishment of a career and technical education reporting grant program by the Texas Education Agency. HB 1877 Simmons - Relating to the receipt of financial benefits by the superintendent of a school district for certain services performed by the superintendent. HB 1890 Dorazio - Relating to the improvement of certain school campuses based on the construction or rehabilitation of certain low income housing developments in the attendance zone of those campuses. HB 1927 - Leo Wilson - Relating to the instructional materials for certain curriculum in public schools, including certain instrtional prohibitions and requirements regarding those materials. HB 1929 Leo Wilson - Relating to the administration of an election for a member of a board of trustees of and independent school district. HB 1945 Smithee - Relating to the confidentiality of a public or privet school employee's home address information in property tax appraisal records. HB 1961 Cain - Relating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees and offices of county school superintendent. HB 1981 Hickland - Relating to the use of public resources by a public school officer or employee to engage in certain political activities. HB 2040 King - Relating to the required number of minutes of instructional time to be provided by a juvenile justice alternative education program.
HJR Bills HJR 92 Hopper - Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a parent's right to direct the education of the parent's child.
Senate Bills SB 56 Zaffirini - Relating to the inclusion of chronically absent students as students at risk of dropping out of school and the collection and reporting of data regarding those students.
SB 83 Hall - Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by handgun license holders on the campus of a school district or open-enrollment charter school. SB 86 Hall - Relating to parental rights in public education and prohibiting instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity for public school students. SB 112 Hall - Relating to parental consent for certain activities engaged in by a school district employee or contractor with respect to the parent's child. SB 118 Hall - Relating to the repeal of the authority to exclude certain students without certain required immunizations from attending public school in times of emergency or epidemic. SB 143 Menéndez - Relating to requiring public schools to designate certain uniform election dates as staff development days. SB 152 Menéndez - Relating to public school bilingual education programs, dual language immersion programs, and special language programs. SB 167 Menéndez - Relating to a substitute teaching requirement for each member of the senate and the house of representatives. SB 174 Menéndez - Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SB 183 Menéndez - Relating to personal leave provided for a classroom teacher to testify at a public hearing. SB 192 Menéndez - Relating to a grant program to reimburse public schools for certain costs associated with hiring retired teachers. SB 201 Menéndez - Relating to social workers employed by school districts. SB 203 Menéndez - Relating to the disclosure of a public school student's numerical class rank. SB 218 West - Relating to requiring the board of trustees of each school district to create a nonvoting student trustee position on the board. SB 226 West - Relating to establishing residency for children who are the subject of parental child safety placement agreements for purposes of admission into public schools. SB 235 Johnson - Relating to a public school paid parental leave policy, an allotment under the Foundation School Program for the cost of providing paid parental leave under that policy, and the eligibility of certain children for free prekindergarten programs. SB 252 Flores -Relating to protections for certain military dependents enrolled in a public school. SB 286 Miles - Relating to the receipt of financial benefits by the superintendent of a school district for certain services performed by the superintendent. SB 301 Perry - Relating to the required number of minutes of instructional time to be provided by a juvenile justice alternative education program. SB 313 Hughes - Relating to the use of certain personal leave by school district teachers. SB 371 Campbell - Relating to parental approval for a student's participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools. SB 380 Middleton -Relating to a period of prayer and reading of the Bible or other religious text in public schools. SB 382 Middleton -Relating to a prohibition on the use of artificial intelligence technology for classroom instruction. SB 401 Paxton - Relating to the participation by non-enrolled students in University Interscholastic League-sponsored activities SB 408 Middleton - Relating to the appointment of an inspector general for education and the creation of a division of inspector general for education in the governor's office to investigate the administration of public education. SB 413 Middleton - Relating to the meetings of the boards of trustees of independent school districts.
SB 453 Middleton - Relating to the inclusion of a course on modern conflicts in the curriculum requirements for public high school students. SB 514 Kolkhorst - Relating to an annual school district profile report by the Texas Education Agency. SB 551 Schwertner - Relating to selection of statewide competition locations by the University Interscholastic League. SB 559 Johnson - Relating to the employment of certified school counselors by school districts. SB 560 Johnson - Relating to an application for the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus or site. SB 564 Miles |et al. - Relating to the removal of a conservator, board of managers, or other alternative management of a campus or school district in certain circumstances. SB 567 King - Relating to the use of building owned or controlled by a public school as polling place. SB 571 West - Relating to the terms for members of the state executive committee of the University Interscholastic League. SB 609 Paxton - Relating to the required independent school districts, home-rule school districts, and open-enrollment charter school to comply with Legally required policies.
SB 625 Flores - Relating to the courses in personal financial literacy and economics for high school students in public schools. SB 655 West - Relating to prohibited student athlete name, image, and likeness agreements; providing injunctive and civil penalty. SB 674 Hughes - Relating to instruction on hunter education for public high school students. SB 686 Paxton - Relating to the transfer of students between public schools. SB 735 Menéndez - Relating to holocaust education and training providers to students enrolled at public schools and public institutions of higher education. SB 762 Campbell - Relating to the display of flags in public schools. SB 799 Menéndez - Relating to the installment of electric school buses and solar panels in Texas public schools. SB 804 Hughes - Relating to transportation to school for a child required to attend school as a condition of probation
SB 812 Hughes - Relating to the grievance procedure in public schools. SB 813 Hughes - Relating to the creation of grievance boards with concurrent jurisdiction over certain appeals involving the administration of public education.
SJR Bills SJR 12 Paxton | et al. Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a parent's right to direct a child's education. SJR 34 Hughes - Proposing a constitutional amendment protecting the right of parents to raise their children.