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89th Legislative Bills Category 4 - School Finance/School Reform
Bill number, Author/s - Description House Bills
HB 152 Raymond - Relating to the provision of funding under the public school finance system on the basis of property values that take into account optional homestead exemptions. HB 165 Vasut - Relating to the elimination of ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee on the elimination of those taxes. HB 172 Talarico - Relating to creating a fine arts allotment under the public school finance system. HB 177 Swanson - Relating to the purchase of online library resources for primary and secondary schools by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. HB 178 Morales, Christina - Relating to social studies curriculum choice for public school students HB 195 Plesa - Relating to the dissemination of certain school district ad valorem tax-related information. HB 218 Isaac - Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes. HB 236 Landgraf - Relating to the use of average enrollment for purposes of the public school finance system. HB 248 Guillen - Relating to the small and mid-sized district allotment under the public school finance system. HB 276 Bucy - Relating to the use of average enrollment for purposes of the public school finance system. HB 337 Plesa - Relating to the dedication of surplus money in the foundation school fund to increase the basic allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 351 Goodwin - Relating to an annual adjustment to the basic allotment under the Foundation School Program to reflect inflation. HB 419 Meza - Relating to establishing a minimum wage for school bus drivers. HB 445 Plesa - Relating to an early agreement credit for the purchase of attendance credit under the public school finance system. HB 593 Bernal - Relating to the compensatory education allotment for homeless students or students in foster care under the Foundation School Program. HB 595 Howard - Relating to the basic allotment and guaranteed yield under the Foundation School Program, including an adjustment in those amounts to reflect inflation. HB 667 Lalani - Relating to a halal food option for breakfast and lunch programs provided by certain public schools. HB 683 Bernal - Relating to the use of average enrollment for purposes of the public school finance system. HB 977 Noble - Relating to eligibility for the gifted and talented student allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 984 Toth - Relating to the establishment of an empowerment scholarship account program. HB 1061 Bhojani - Relating to authorization and reimbursement for certain examination fee and other required cost subsidies paid for public school teachers and students. HB 1156 Hull - Relating to the definition of regular eligible student for purposes of the transportation allotment under the Foundation School Program. HB 1157 Hinojosa - Relating to the use of average enrollment for purposes of the public school finance system. HB 1336 Cain - Relating to salary or wage deductions for classroom teachers employed by public schools. HB 1358 Leo - Wilson Relating to the purchase, adoption, and use of instructional materials by public schools. HB 1413 Allen - Relating to the salary and wages paid to public school employees. HB 1429 Buckley - Relating to the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) allotment and outcomes bonus under the Foundation School Program. HB 1444 Schatzline - Relating to a school district's purchase of instructional materials using funds allotted under the instructional materials and technology allotment. HB 1448 Goodwin - Relating to a study by the Texas Education Agency on the effects of school district policies prohibiting student use of personal communication devices. HB 1485 Leo Wilson - Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes. HB 1553 Toth - Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain surplus state revenue. HB 1587 Hull - Relating to the sale tax exemption period for clothing, footwear, and certain school related items. HB 1627 Raymond - Relating to a bonus payment for classroom teachers employed by a public school; making an appropriation. HB 1657 Cunningham - Relating to the establishment of an education savings account program for certain children. HB 1694 Canales - Relating to the eligibility of school buss drivers and cafeteria workers for unemployment compensation benefits. HB 1703 Lozano - Relating to the use of average enrollment for purposes of the public school finance system. HB 1770 Goodwin - Relating to an annual adjustment to the basic allotment under the Foundation School Program to reflect inflation. HB 1939 Meyer - Relating to a credit for prepayment of the amount required to be paid by a school district for the purchase of attendance credit under the public school finance system. HB 2051 Meyer - Relating to a limitation of the amount of school property tax revenue that is subject to recapture under the public school finance system.
Senate Bills
SB 2 Creighton |et al. - relating to the establishment of an education savings account program. SB 233 Johnson - Relating to the public school finance system. SB 237 Johnson - Relating to a public school paid parental leave policy, an allotment under the Foundation School Program for the cost of providing paid parental leave under that policy, and the eligibility of certain children for free prekindergarten programs. SB 451 Middleton - Relating to the purchase, adoption, and use of instructional materials by public schools. SB 519 Middleton - Relating to the creation of a grant program to promote educational engagement with Texas history. SB 549 Menéndez - Relating to seat belts on buses that transport children. SB 558 Johnson - Relating to the establishment of a grant program for school district of open-enrollment charter school campuses that are designated as full-service community schools. SB 569 Bettencourt |et al. - Relating to the provision of virtual education in public schools and to certain waivers and modifications by the commissioner of education to the method of calculating average daily attendance in an emergency or crisis for purposes of preserving school district funding entitlements under the Foundation School Program during that emergency or crisis; authorizing a fee. SB 597 West - Relating to the basic allotment and guaranteed yield under the Foundation School Program. SB 598 West - Relating to the school safety allotment under the public school finance system. SB 786 Alvarado - Relating to authorizing school districts to provide funding using money received under the Foundation School Program to community-based organizations for purposes of reimbursing private employers for paid internships provided to certain students in career and technology education programs in the district. SB 859 Schwertner - Relating to authorization and reimbursement for certain examination fee subsidies paid for public school teachers and students. SB 870 Birdwell - Relating to the open carrying of a handgun by a uniformed school marshal. SB 874 Birdwell - Relating to the eligibility of a person convicted of misdemeanor involving moral turpitude to serve in certain roles a ta charter holder or and open-enrollment charter school. SB 877 Parker - Relating to the creation of the office of inspector general at the Texas Education Agency to investigate the administration of public education
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