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89th Legislative Bills Category 5 - Student Assessment/Accountability
Bill number, Author/s - Description
House Bills
HB 183 Patterson - Relating to the regulation and the review of certain library materials included in public school libraries. HB 213 González, Mary - Relating to the inclusion of chronically absent students as students at risk of dropping out of school and the collection and reporting of data regarding those students. HB 297 Bucy - Relating to eliminating certain state-required end-of-course assessment instruments not required by federal law and eliminating graduation requirements based on satisfactory performance on certain end-of-course assessment instruments. HB 362 Rosenthal - Relating to the assignment of public school students enrolled in certain school districts to an uncertified teacher. HB 759 Bumgarner - Relating to the creation of a temporary educator certificate for educators certified by other states. HB 825 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to the implementation of certain rules regarding public school accountability adopted by the commissioner of education or the Texas Education Agency. HB 890 Vasut - Relating to the administration of assessment instruments to public school students. HB 1073 Schatzline - Relating to the academic assessment of public school students. HB 1095 Shaheen - Relating to the use of interim testing and adaptive, growth-based assessment instruments for certain required assessments of public school students and prohibiting the use of the results of certain required assessments of public school students for certain purposes. HB 1114 Gámez - Relating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system. HB 1118 VanDeaver - Relating to the creation of a Texas Commission on Assessment and Accountability. HB 1212 Hinojosa - Relating to the means by which schools are compared in the Public School Accountability System. HB 1249 Zwiener - Relating to authorizing the use of a writing portfolio assessment to assess writing performance for public school students. HB 1323 Hinojosa - Relating to a standard and set of indicators in the academic accountability system. HB 1331 Plesa - Relating to the curriculum requirements for high school students in public schools. HB 1388 Buckley - Relating to an indicator of achievement for military readiness under the public school accountability system. HB 2008 Toth - Relating to courses in personal financial literacy and economics for high school students in public schools.
Senate Bills SB 156 Menéndez - Relating to the reporting of information regarding high school performance acknowledgments earned by public school students. SB 557 Johnson - Relating to the academic distinction designations under the public school accountability system and the career and the technology allotment under the Foundation School Program SB 788 Alvarado - Relating to permissible accountability interventions for certain school districts with low-performing campuses. SB 821 Zaffirini - Relating to the essential knowledge and skills of rt he public school foundation curriculum and social studied curriculum
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