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89th Legislative Bills
Category 6 -  Special Education/Charter Schools

Bill number, Author/s - Description
House Bills

HB 409 Bucy - Relating to requirements regarding certain behavior management for a student enrolled in a special education program of a public school.
HB 458 Bucy - Relating to the discipline of students enrolled in certain grade levels or receiving special education services in a public school.
HB 466 González, Mary - Relating to policies and procedures regarding certain public school students with disabilities.
HB 532 Rosenthal - Relating to the applicability to open-enrollment charter schools of certain law regarding travel expenses.
HB 620 Gervin-Hawkins - Relating to a financial assistance program for open-enrollment charter school facilities.
HB 728  Thompson, Senfronia - Relating to certain policies and procedures for the placement and use of video cameras in certain classrooms, including classrooms that provide special education services.
HB 756  Bernal - Relating to the requirements for the revision of a charter for an open-enrollment charter school.
HB 1176 Cunningham - Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 1179 Hinojosa - Relating to the admission policy of an open-enrollment charter school.
HB 1192 Hinojosa - Relating to an allotment under the Foundation School Program to provide full and individual initial evaluations for special education services.
HB 1278 Schoolcraft - Relating to creation and funding of professional charter academies which are owned and operated by highly qualified teaching professionals in Texas and authorizing the commissioner of education to adopt rules to administer and fund the professional charter academy program.
HB 1334 Garcia, Josey - Relating to the payment of a fee for the administration of a special education or bilingual education certificate examination.
SB 1546 Raymond - Relating to the reimbursement of fees associated with the issuance of a special education certificate for certain teachers.
HB 1693 Canales - Relating to the financial audit of certain open-enrollment charter schools by the state auditor.
HB 1697 Canales - Relating to the management, operation, and contract authority of open-enrollment charter schools. 
HB 1813 Bucy - Relating to a parental right to information concerning a public school special education program and certain requirements for persons serving as special education representatives and hearing officers at impartial due process hearings.
HB 1878 Simmons - Relating to the misuse of money received for an open-enrollment charter school to support an out-of-state school.

Senate Bills
SB 58 Zaffirini - 
Relating to policies and procedures regarding certain public school students with disabilities.
SB 111 Hall
- Relating to transparency in special education legal proceedings involving a school district and a limit on legal fees that may be spent by a school district in special education legal proceedings.
SB 149
 - Relating to special education funding under the Foundation School Program.
SB 172 Menéndez - Relating to the employment of a special education liaison at public schools.
SB 285 Miles - 
Relating to the misuse of money received for an open-enrollment charter school to support an out-of-state school.
SB 555 Johnson - Relating to an allotment under the Foundation School Program for full individual and initial evaluations for special education services.
SB 568 Bettencourt | et al. - Relating to the provision of virtual education in public schools and to certain waivers and modifications by the commissioner of education to the method of calculating average daily attendance in an emergency or crisis for purposes of preserving school district funding entitlements under the Foundation School Program during that emergency or crisis; authorizing a fee.
SB 590 West - Relating to the approval of a request for the revision of a charter for an open-enrollment charter school.
SB 605 West - Relating to the establishment of a new open-enrollment charter school campus by certain charter holders and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school.
SB 787 Alvarado - Relating to a requirement to report through the Public Education Information Management System the number of student deaths occurring on a school district or open-enrollment charter school campus.

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