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February 2 - 4, 2025 | Hilton Austin Airport

This program is for ALL GRADE-LEVEL assistant principals, elementary through secondary, and for teacher leaders looking to become campus administrators.
Participate in three days of dynamic and practical training as you learn from master practitioners and build professional learning relationships with TEXAS ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS; current and aspiring!

FEATURING: Sean Buchanan | Andrew Marotta | Todd Whittaker | Jim Walsh | Zachary Hobbs
Todd Bloomer | Dr. Herb Cox | Sean Cain | Courtney Gober | Zachary Hobbs | Dr. Ruby Payne | Todd Whittaker

DOCUMENTATION TRAINING: (Additional fee for this training) With Zachary Hobbs, TASB. This session is designed to train administrators on the legal framework within which documentation of all Texas public school employees takes place and to focus on specific steps required to document an employee’s performance effectively. Registration for this session includes lunch and a copy of the latest edition of the Texas Documentation Handbook from ED311. If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen. An effective documentation process is crucial for improving employee performance and making informed personnel decisions. This interactive presentation will guide participants through the ED311 Texas Documentation Handbook: Appraisal, Nonrenewal, Termination. The training will focus on developing documentation to support appraisal, nonrenewal, and termination decisions.

LEGAL ISSUES FOR THE A.P. 2025: With Jim Walsh, The Law Dawg, Walsh Gallegos Treviño Kyle & Robinson P.C. This session will cover student discipline, special education, 504, liability and other concerns that are practical and relevant to AP’s. This session will emphasize the practical and leave plenty of time for Q and A.

  • Excellent keynotes and breakout session speakers and trainings from experts in all areas of education!
  • Exhibit Showcase with representatives who can deliver solutions to help schools improve student learning and achievement through their products and services.
  • Mark your calendar today and save the date!